For the more serious stuff
Jan 30th, 2015, 8:06 am
Suncoast Society series by Tymber Dalton (#14-31,34-35,37-41,43,57,59, 61)
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Overview: Tymber Dalton lives in southwest Florida with her husband (aka “The World’s Best Husband™”) and too many animals. The two-time EPIC award winner is the author of over 65 books and active in the BDSM lifestyle she frequently writes about.
Genre: Romance Erotic Menage MFM


Sapiosexual (#14)Chelbie Larson’s turned on by intelligence, but the creative, snarky, feisty woman knows she’s too much for any one guy to handle. The picky sapiosexual refuses to settle for less than what she wants, which is why she’s still single. Her parents have a solid marriage, and she knows that’s the quality of love she yearns for.
Enter Nick and Rich Hurst, fledgling kinkster twins. One is a computer expert, the other a talented musician. And they’re no stranger to showing a woman a good time. Chelbie’s not bashful about showing them what she wants. Just when Chelbie had given up on finding a guy, they show her maybe dreams can come true. But when Chelbie’s attacked out of the blue, the truth about the triad’s relationship doesn’t make her parents happy. Now she faces a difficult choice between appeasing her parents…or deciding to follow her heart.
One thing’s for sure—her life will never be the same.

A Very Kinky Valentine's Day (#15) Gilo and Abbey are hosting a Valentine’s Day party for their fellow Suncoast Society kinksters, complete with a rope rigging contest. And when you put some competitive riggers together, you know it’s going to get wild. Let the games begin! Have a voyeuristic visit with your favorite characters as they battle for bragging rights for the top rigging title. There might even be a surprise or two in store. But the night’s not without a little drama. And, for at least one set of characters, life will never be the same…

Things Made Right (#16) Loren is interested in Ross from the first night she meets him. But despite what her roommate’s brother says, Loren doesn’t think Ross has the slightest interest in her.
Ross is more than interested in Loren. Unfortunately, he’s not sure she can handle the real him, his darker side.
Until the night her world is ripped apart at the seams, and Ross can’t fix it despite desperately wishing he could. The only thing he can do is help Loren through it the best he can, and spend the rest of their lives together showing her how he feels.
Now it’s thirty years later, and the past comes calling. Loren doesn’t know all the facts, but she knows Ross is the center of her world. She’ll do anything and everything in her power to shield him. Because even though some things can’t be fixed, Ross made them right. And Loren will face the past alone, if necessary, to save their future.

Click (#17) The moans of pleasure. The crack of a whip splitting the air. The smack of a paddle against flesh. That’s what comes to mind for most people when they think of BDSM.
When you peel back the trappings, silence the heavy, throbbing bass line of the club music, what’s left are the beating hearts, the gasps, the exhaled breaths. Heels on a tile floor, or the rustle of fabric.
Sometimes, the best parts of BDSM lay nestled among the softer sounds of play.

Spank or Treat (#18) Seth and Leah are throwing a Halloween party for their friends from the Suncoast Society. Melancholy memories swirl through the minds of many of the attendees even as they have a howling good time. Who knew kinksters could have so much fun carving pumpkins, or that pool games could be so…dirty?
When Tilly’s in charge of the entertainment, you know things will get raunchy. That’s what makes it so much fun!
But what’s that lurking in the spooktacular display in the front yard? Is it a prankster…or are the kinksters inside not the only ones in high spirits on this spank or treat night?

A Turn of the Screwed (#19) Noel has spent the past two years of her ten-year marriage to Scott trying to be his Domme after he admits he thinks he’s gay and knows he’s kinky. When she gives him permission to go be happy, to find a guy who can take care of his needs, he meets Keith. She wants what’s best for Scott, but why’d his Dom have to be so damn hunky?
Scott loves Noel and hates breaking her heart, but he’s spent his life trying to deny who he is. When he meets Keith, he realizes this is perfection. He just wishes he didn’t have to leave Noel.
Keith loves Scott and admires the man’s devotion to Noel. He feels for Noel and realizes that, no matter what, someone will lose to make someone else happy.
But then a stormy night changes everything, and Keith realizes maybe the obvious answer to their mutual happiness has been in front of them the entire time…

Chains (#20) Rebecca escaped her abusive, domineering ex-husband and Dom for a life on the road as a chainmaille jewelry artisan with her dog, Chewi. Unfortunately, she couldn’t escape the fear that ruled her life. When her uncle’s death forces her home again, she meets Toby and Logan and realizes maybe she’s not as happy as she thought.
Toby and Logan are struggling after a betrayal by an ex. Then they discover their next door neighbor’s body and it shocks them into realizing how short and precious life is. When they learn their neighbor’s niece has friends in common with them, signs point to yes and they decide to take another chance.
Rebecca knows their friends are all rooting for them, but when a chance encounter with her ex shatters her calm, she realizes she’s going to have to decide whether to run, or to take a stand and fight the invisible chains she’s allowed to bind her all these years.

Kinko de Mayo (#21) The members of the Suncoast Society love throwing a good fetish party, even if it means making up their own kinky take on a vanilla tradition. Kinko de Mayo is no exception, including Max and Sean’s unique spin on the holiday.
But despite the festivities, some members are struggling with making major life decisions and have to lean on their friends for support. Because when all the fun is over and the spankings are done, love and friendship is what truly holds the group together through thick and thin.

Broken Arrow (#22) Brooke is a wounded vet who took over her father’s classic car repair business when tragedy forced his early retirement. She’s great at her job. But fixing herself? Not so much. She’s shut herself off from life as a form of penance and a survival mechanism, until her friend Eliza decides Brooke needs a night out.
Cody and Justin are lovers and partners. They’re Doms, but not to each other. They’ve also fallen into a relationship rut. When Eliza introduces them to Brooke, they discover they have more than classic cars and The Walking Dead in common.
Brooke knows life is meant for the living, but in many ways she feels she’s forgotten how. As she grows closer to the men, she realizes maybe it’s time to try something different and look for happiness somewhere other than TV shows and her cat.
And that, maybe, it’s time to let the hunky Doms show her how they want to love her.

Out of the Spotlight (#23) Nick knows his deepest secret—he’s a bisexual masochistic submissive—won’t mesh with his macho, action-hero Trevor Nichols persona. He flees Hollywood in disguise for a secret vacation in his hometown of Sarasota…and a trip to a BDSM club. Nick didn’t expect to fall in love with Lucas and Leigh, but he’s never been happier. This is who he wants to be, and Lucas and Leigh are who he wants.
Lucas and Leigh have been best friends since college. Both had their share of heartbreak. Lucas is gay, but he’s Leigh’s Master and lover, and they’ve decided to get married and have a baby. Meeting Nick at a munch throws a hiccup into their plans, because they’re both attracted to the hottie who looks vaguely familiar.
Now the paparazzi are on Nick’s trail and threatening to turn Lucas and Leigh’s world upside down. Can he still have it all, or will he be forced to say good-bye to protect them?

Friends Like These (#24)
What do sex-doll pool floats, binder clips, and baby bottles have in common?
There might be a kinky Suncoast Society baby shower in the works for Leigh, complete with crazy games and fun for all, because this group knows how to enjoy themselves. What Tilly needs most right now is a distraction and the love of her friends to take her mind off her own personal issues. So does Leigh, but for different reasons.
But Tilly, Leigh, and the others won’t be able to anticipate the life-changing twists and turns this evening has in store. By the time the night is over, life will never be the same for some of them.
Whether those changes are positive or not have yet to be seen…

Vicious Carousel (#25) Betsy has nothing left to lose but her life when she manages to escape the vicious carousel of abuse she’s suffered at the hands of her Dom. When her Suncoast Society friends rush to her rescue, Nolan and Kenny volunteer to take Betsy in and protect her, with their friends’ blessings.
Nolan and Kenny are no strangers to having a third, but there’s something different about Betsy. They know she must heal and overcome her physical and mental wounds before they can fully earn her trust. She’s got a lot of help from June, Tilly, Eliza, and others. Still, the men hope that when Betsy’s ready, she might want them as more than just friends.
One thing Betsy knows for sure as she traverses her rocky road to recovery—she wants Nolan and Kenny to be a permanent part of her life. But as her ex’s trial approaches and revenge threatens, will her happy ending with them be ripped away?

Hot Sauce (#26) When Vanessa Riddick’s beloved older brother, Tony, aka Basco, dies unexpectedly, finding his journal leads to more discoveries…like his secret life and friendships in the local BDSM community. Vanessa’s world revolved around work and her brother, so she gravitates to his friends, who welcome her with open hearts.
Reed and Lyle were friends and play-partners with Basco and wondered what happened to him, why he’d suddenly dropped off the radar. As they get to know his little sister, they realize their interest in her is more than trying to keep the spirit of their friend alive.
They are falling for her.
Vanessa has lived her life in a career-driven stranglehold, and now the loss of her brother has sent her into an emotional tailspin. One thing’s for certain—she can’t keep going the way she is. And she’s beginning to wonder if Reed and Lyle might be the answer to her finally having the life she’s longed for.

Open Doors (#27) Derrick didn’t set out to open a BDSM club—it was a labor of love. Despite his wife Marcia’s initial reluctance, Derrick’s dream of having a safe place for their friends to play and learn quickly came to fruition. What he didn’t realize was that Venture’s open doors would soon transform into a living legacy, a place where good friends and even better memories were made.
And along the way, sometimes, even families were formed.

One Ring (#28) When Amelia stumbles upon Marcia and Derrick’s BDSM lifestyle, she doesn’t realize it will lead to her escaping a loveless, dying marriage. She thought that was the stuff of romance books, not real life. Even better, she didn’t realize Marcia and Derrick operated a BDSM club and can introduce her to their friends.
Don and Carl are coworkers and platonic roommates. Divorced Carl walked in on his wife’s affair, and never-married Don hasn’t met the woman to make him “risk half his stuff.” The men agree to play with Marcia’s friend as a favor. Amelia’s new to BDSM—the last thing she needs is to get hooked up with a predator.
After some obvious meddling by Marcia, the men ask Amelia to be their roommate while she goes through her divorce. Once the dust clears, will she want more from the men, or will they be forced to say good-bye to someone they never realized they needed in their lives?

Vulnerable (MM) (#29) Leo didn’t want a divorce, yet he can no longer ignore the fact that he’s gay—and kinky. He knows it’s going to break Eva’s heart, but he cannot be the husband she needs. He doesn’t want their daughter raised by two miserable parents.
Jesse is gun-shy after his former Master abused him and his trust. He admires Leo’s dedication to Eva and his patience despite her repeated attempts to delay and derail the divorce. And he absolutely adores Laurel, Leo’s young daughter.
But when tragedy strikes, Jesse is forced to forge an uncomfortable alliance with Eva for Laurel’s sake…and her safety. That’s when Jesse learns the dark secrets Leo has kept on Eva’s behalf for so long, and why. With the strong welder now clinging to life, Jesse must step up and man up to protect the cherished family of the Master he loves before their vulnerability rips everything they’ve struggled to build apart at the seams.

The Strength of the Pack (#30) Eva’s world collapsed when Leo announced he was divorcing her. She believed an imperfect marriage was better than none since Leo protected her and their daughter. Then she quickly came to love Jesse, Leo’s new husband, and realized their “pack” is better, for all of them.
Nate Crawford practices acupuncture and enjoys helping people in his clinic and at Venture, the BDSM club. Family is all to him, because he raised his little sister as a single parent. He thought Leo, Jesse, and Eva were a triad, until matchmaking Tilly gets involved. Their only barrier to long-term love is whatever dark secret Eva keeps deeply buried.
When a confrontation finally forces the truth out, Nate and Eva are able to move forward, with Leo and Jesse’s blessings. But the worst day of Nate’s life pales in comparison when an unexpected crisis forces him to rely on the strength of their pack to carry him through a nightmare he can’t escape.

Initiative (#31) Two years later, Susie mourns the death of her beloved husband and Master, but that aspect of their lives was secret. She now self-medicates with work and thinks love—and passion—are things of the past. When attending her twenty-year high school reunion, her only bright point is reconnecting with beloved friends, Grant and Darryl.
As kids, Grant and Darryl didn’t understand their feelings for Susie…or for each other. It took Darryl going through a disastrous divorce before the men got together and Grant could claim Darryl not just as his partner, but as his slave. They have to keep all aspects of their relationship hidden because of their jobs, yet they immediately recognize the significance of Susie’s bracelet.
That Grant and Darryl now play a far sexier version of Dungeons and Dragons only seals the deal for Susie. When outside forces try to destroy the men’s careers, can Susie take the initiative and save their newfound happiness?

Switchy (#34) Em Woodland’s parents moved in with her three years ago, and it wasn’t her idea. Her mother’s meddling has killed Em’s love life. After her busybody mom calls the cops on the two new guys next door, Em has apologies to make.
Jarred and Garrison are thirteen months into grieving the death of their love and Owner, Janis. Then Jarred inherits his uncle’s house next door to single cutie, Em. They’re willing to overlook her mom’s antics for the welcome distraction Em brings to their life. As the three grow close, the men admit their desired dynamic to independent Em.
She’s willing to try it. Two hot and sexy Alpha hunks at her beck and call? Yes, please!
But family drama and deadly close calls take Em over the edge and leave her unable to care for herself. Can she let go and let her two switchy men take the reins and prove to her that they want her for life?

Rhymes with Orange (#35) Following a career-ending accident, Danielle needs a fresh start. Despite crippling anxiety and OCD, she’s determined to rebuild her life and isn’t looking for a new relationship. Or a new Dom.
Coop being Hunter’s Master is a little unconventional. Hunter is gay…and has a boyfriend, Todd. And Coop is straight. They’re friends first, but BDSM helps Hunter keep his anxiety at bay. Since Hunter’s deep in the closet with his family, he can only be his authentic self around Todd and Coop.
When Coop’s relationship with Hunter—and Todd—gets more complicated, he rolls with it. Then Coop meets Danielle. Suddenly, Coop has to play Todd’s boyfriend for Hunter’s family. If Dani can’t pull off the role of a lifetime pretending to be Hunter’s fiancée, it could mean disaster for him. Unfortunately, Dani’s health takes a dive. When Hunter steps in and steps up, will the two successfully go from being co-owned pets to far more than either ever expected?

Beware Falling Rocks (#37) The last thing he wanted to do was walk away.
Paul was forced to make a heartbreaking decision to end things with Lynn. It took nearly two years to painfully hammer home that, despite his beliefs, he chose wrongly and all his friends had been right. Including Lynn. Now he’s back and ready to fight for the love he gave up—if Lynn will only give him a chance.
The last thing she can do is move on.
Lynn never blamed Paul because she understood why he had to leave. She also knows it tore him up inside. Two years later, she’s a shell of her former self and knows logic doesn’t matter when a shattered heart has deeply buried her under a rockslide of pain.
The last thing they thought they’d have was a second chance.
Paul’s sudden return threatens to upend Lynn’s life. Can she ever trust him again, or will her dreams be cruelly crushed once more?

Dangerous Curves Ahead (#38) Dr. Justin Rede has just graduated college…and just come out of the closet. During a trip to Florida to visit his sister, Rachel, and her fiancé, Andrew, they introduce Justin to their kinky friends in hopes they can help talk Justin into moving from South Dakota to sunny Sarasota.
Including hunky, older, experienced Doms Wade and Glen.
Wade and Glen are newly married since the marriage ban fell, but have been together for years. Sure they’ve played with thirds before, in the dungeon as well as in their bed. But their standing rule has always been it’s just for fun, not for love.
Until they meet Justin.
Now the two sadistic Doms realize something’s happened that they never expected—they’ve lost their hearts to Justin. But can they convince him they’ve changed their minds and want him for life before someone else comes in and scoops their perfect subby unicorn right out from under them?

Two Against Nature (#39) Holly’s severe, chronic pain from her fibromyalgia isn’t merely physical, it is emotional, too. Her brother, Louis, sits in jail, wrongly convicted of their mother’s murder. Nothing will stop Holly’s efforts to get his sentence overturned. She has put her life on hold to make it happen.
Walt has avoided the fact that he has insulated himself from moving forward because he still holds a torch for his ex, Kimbra. When he meets Holly, he knows he can help her in more ways than one—Kimbra is an attorney, and a friend. Walt is also a heavy sadist who wants to show Holly how the good kinds of pain can help her overcome the bad.
While work commences to free Louis, Walt realizes exactly how hard he has fallen for Holly. As he finds himself fighting to show her that a spoonie and a sadist can make a relationship work, will he convince her that two against nature can absolutely be perfect for each other?

Home at Last (#40) Ben didn’t know his Master and boyfriend would leave him homeless and in the lurch. Throw in identity theft just to add insult to injury, too. When his best friend and co-worker, Jake, invites him to move into his spare bedroom, it’s the answer to a prayer. Ben knows Jake’s straight, but it doesn’t stop him from fantasizing about the handsome Dom.
The last thing Jake wants is to take advantage of Ben and come off looking like a douche. That’s why, for now, he keeps his carefully guarded secret—that he’s bi, not straight. Toss in a pair of homophobic parents and keeping that fact quiet has made his life easier.
But as he realizes Ben is perfect for him, Jake’s forced to confront the realities of life. The choice to be with Ben means facing down his parents and confronting darker, more dangerous realities that he never encountered before as a “straight” man.
But can he admit his feelings before someone else steals Ben’s heart?

A Kinkmas Carol (#41) Seth and Leah are hosting a kinky Christmas party for their friends, complete with a rigging contest. This time of year is always hard on both of them as they each remember Kaden in their own way, and the past and present come together in their hearts and memories.
Kaden wasn’t just an important part of their lives—he mentored countless people as a founding member of the Suncoast Society munch group. As the revelers congregate and reminisce about their lost friend, it soon becomes apparent to some that, just maybe, there’s an extra guest in attendance who wasn’t on any RSVP list.
Are their imaginations simply running wild due to the evening’s high spirits? Or is it possible that the ultimate control freak is fulfilling a promise he made to those he loved most?

Time Out of Mind (#43)(MM) Doyle Turner’s a psychologist specializing in addiction recovery and is a professional sober companion. He’s also a recovering alcoholic with over twenty years of sobriety under his belt. And he’s a Dom in his personal life, which he hasn’t had much of lately.
Mevi Maynard not only tests Doyle’s infinite patience, the handsome rock star is testing his self-control, too. Mevi Maynard’s rock-bottom crash follows the discovery that his manager stole his fortune. Now, Mevi’s fresh out of rehab. But if he doesn’t want to file bankruptcy, he has to stay sober for the new tour, or he’s out of the band. But what he can’t admit to Doyle—and has never admitted to anyone—is that he’s gay.
One patient Dom. One stubborn rock star. Both are really stupid men, according to their friend Tilly. Can she help the men get out of their own way and see the light, and their love for each other, before it’s too late?

Borderline (#57) Bob discovered the joys of serving a dominant woman in college. Later, he felt adrift and alone, until he started seeing Mistress Cardinal. For three years, he faithfully followed her rules, secretly in love with her, thinking he’d never be more than her client.
Until the day he realized he was more, and Tilly opened a little of her heart to him. Happiness had literally been within his grasp, until Tilly’s ex, Cris, and his Master, Landry, entered her life and swept her away.
Despite the pain, Bob still loved her, and jumped at any chance to play or serve her. Even submitting to Landry, the man who became her husband. But what happens when a tricky sadist has a sneaky plan of his own? What happens when Bob has a chance to cross that borderline from plaything to pet?
Can he accept Landry’s terms, or will he have to walk away from the only woman he’s ever really loved?

Reconsider Me (#59) Fenton had a bad experience in college. It left him with one hard limit he’ll never budge on, the same hard limit that’s tanked every relationship he’s had and resulted in his trust being repeatedly shattered. When he meets Joel, courtesy of matchmaking friends, he senses something different in the Top and wonders if he’s the real deal. Especially when Joel receives the Snoobug seal of approval from Fen’s young niece.
Joel’s first impression of the fricking adorable side is that he’ll break if Joel so much as looks at him wrong, much less plays with him. Fen’s limit isn’t a problem for Joel, because the Sephora-loving, Broadway-musical-singing, essential-oil-diffusing subby slid right past all of Joel’s emotional defenses like no other. And looks can be deceiving—Fen is much tougher than people assume.
After a family tragedy, when Joel’s past returns to strike where he’s most vulnerable, can Fen step up, swing hard, and save them with his cast-iron will?

Blues Beach (#61)
Tracey knows she’s lucky. She has a chance to rebuild her life—and her relationship with her daughter, Emma—in a healthy way. But when she’s forced to travel to California for a cousin’s funeral, she dreads seeing her family and enduring the insults she knows will follow. Except…she didn’t expect to rekindle something with her old boyfriend, Eric.
Widowed and with his dreams shattered, Eric easily recalls the love he’s always held for Tracey. Whether this is a second chance or a one-time weekend to remember remains to be seen. Either way, he’ll take the opportunity, no matter how short, to be with her.
But Emma isn’t so trusting. And when another complication crops up, Tracey runs a very real risk of losing Emma a second time and that’s something Eric will not allow Tracey to do.
So how do you woo a genius super-villain in training into liking you, much less accepting you as one of her “dads?”

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(Closed Filehost)
Jan 30th, 2015, 8:06 am
Last edited by trojan-killer on Dec 13th, 2019, 1:08 pm, edited 68 times in total.

No longer active.
Feb 16th, 2015, 9:25 pm

Feb 16th added A Very Kinky Valentine's Day (#15)
Feb 20th added Things Made Right (#16)
Mar 2nd added Click (#17)
Mar 18th added Spank or Treat (#18)
Mar 24th added A Turn of the Screwed (#19)
Apr 3rd added Chains (#20)
Apr 10th added Kinko de Mayo (#21)
Apr 27th added Broken Arrow (#22)
May 11th added Out of the Spotlight (#23)
May 26th added Friends Like These (#24)
Jun 8th added Vicious Carousel (#25)
Jun 22 added Hot Sauce (#26)
Jul 29 added Open Doors (#27)
Aug 13 added One Ring (#28)
Sept 18 added Vulnerable (MM) (#29), The Strength of the Pack (#30)
Sept 28 added Initiative (#31)
Feb 16th, 2015, 9:25 pm
Last edited by trojan-killer on Jun 22nd, 2015, 8:11 am, edited 22 times in total.

No longer active.
Jun 2nd, 2016, 11:52 am

02 Jun added Switchy (#34)
04 July added Rhymes with Orange (#35)
27 Sep added Beware Falling Rocks (#37)
10 Oct added Dangerous Curves Ahead (#38)
31 Oct added Two Against Nature (#39)
05 Dec added Home at Last (#40)
23 Dec added A Kinkmas Carol (#41)
Jun 2nd, 2016, 11:52 am

No longer active.
Jan 29th, 2017, 8:32 pm

Time Out of Mind (#43)(MM)
Jan 29th, 2017, 8:32 pm

No longer active.
Sep 4th, 2017, 5:08 pm

Borderline (#57)
Sep 4th, 2017, 5:08 pm

No longer active.
Oct 15th, 2017, 11:30 am

Reconsider Me (#59)
Oct 15th, 2017, 11:30 am

No longer active.
Oct 30th, 2017, 3:08 pm

Blues Beach (#61)
Oct 30th, 2017, 3:08 pm

No longer active.