The graphic novels loved by children and adults alike
Nov 18th, 2014, 11:22 am
Thanks for your suggestion, unfortunately, that works of Admin, not Mods ;)
Another things, I'll reduce the sticky thread in Comics but in a future. With my limited time here, my priority right now is re up for many dead links and posts new releases for really good books/stories...
Nov 18th, 2014, 11:22 am

Labor Omnia Vincit Improbus... Hard Work Conquers Everything!
Feb 1st, 2015, 12:07 am
I've been reading about the upcoming Secret Wars "event" that Disney...sorry, Marvel going to inflict upon us in a few months and have a sneaking suspicion that at the end of it they'll do yet another reboot of the Marvel universe. If they start renumbering the titles from #1's again then I'm going to kiss Marvel good-bye. Disney is going to drive them into the ground in their greed for profit. Actually DC Comics doesn't seem much better with this Convergence nonsense. These continual "Events" is becoming tedious, and expensive, to the extreme and as such my title purchases per month has dropped by 60% and at this rate I'll be down to a small handful of comics from other publishers by the end of the year. I think I'd be better off buying the collected editions of DC and Marvel titles, it would save me a large amount of money.

Well it looks like the half dozen or so Marvel comics I buy will be going bye-byes after reading about the Marvel Comics reboot after they finish with the upcoming Secret Wars crap. I also buy about 30 odd DC titles and it looks like I'll be dropping at least half of them now that DC has decided to fart around with their titles as well. My biggest gripe is the continuing "Events" and cover variations: when are they going to wake up and stop this blatant cash grab (and Disney is all about greed, just see what they're doing with Marvel Comics)? Waiting for collected editions is looking better and better all the time.

Well, after May my monthly Marvel comic buying will drop from one to zero after reading that the Hulk will finish with #16. I'm also considering dropping the Batman titles after seeing the Pikachu Robo Batman costume. What an awful look.
Feb 1st, 2015, 12:07 am
May 18th, 2015, 8:54 pm
Scunero, DC wore out my enthusiasm by the continual reboots. I realize that in a serial format, there are always plots/character changes to keep it fresh, but it does seem like it's about only making money when there's yet another massive reboot of a universe, instead of about the story interest, so several years ago I said "no" to anything but TPBs or e-comics here. The only single issues I get nowadays are FCBD ones.

Personally, I've been reading lots of Image comics, and that's now my favorite publisher. Revival is my current favorite. I do buy the odd Marvel or DC trade, but mostly it's other publishers.
May 18th, 2015, 8:54 pm
May 23rd, 2015, 2:48 pm
RavenT wrote:so several years ago I said "no" to anything but TPBs or e-comics here. The only single issues I get nowadays are FCBD ones.

Agreed, I can go with TPBs, it's alot easier to follow any story arch without worries for missing issues

RavenT wrote:Personally, I've been reading lots of Image comics, and that's now my favorite publisher. Revival is my current favorite. I do buy the odd Marvel or DC trade, but mostly it's other publishers.

Nowadays, Image and other's publishers (out of the Big Two: DC & Marvel) has many interesting books sold out.
May 23rd, 2015, 2:48 pm

Labor Omnia Vincit Improbus... Hard Work Conquers Everything!
May 28th, 2015, 4:49 am
Ojay, that is very interesting about the sold-out indie issues--good to see that!

Ojay wrote:Agreed, I can go with TPBs, it's alot easier to follow any story arch without worries for missing issues

Nowadays, Image and other's publishers (out of the Big Two: DC & Marvel) has many interesting books sold out.

What have you been reading lately that you dig? I mentioned Revival (5th vol. is recently out, w00t!) and I've been delving into Chew, Matt Fraction's Hawkeye, Rat Queens, Lazarus, Black Science... yeah, I read quickly. So I really appreciate your uploads! :D
May 28th, 2015, 4:49 am
Aug 2nd, 2015, 11:14 pm
It's time for a quick whinge about Marvel comics: Disney/Marvel comics for October 2015 is a rip off of the highest order. If you want to collect all the comics AND their variants for that month be prepared to open your bottomless wallet because you will need to purchase upwards of 225 comics. The prices will range from $3.99US to who knows what for some of the variants and in Australia, with the crappy dollar rate, the cost would quite easily go to a $1,000 or more. Disney's greed for profit knows no bounds and they will bleed the collectors dry.

My Marvel Comics buying days have come to an end after perusing the December 2015 solicitations. In part it's the continuing swamping of the market with the damned variant nonsense and new titles like The Totally Awesome Hulk. Sigh.
Aug 2nd, 2015, 11:14 pm
Last edited by Scunzero on Oct 15th, 2015, 4:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
Aug 20th, 2015, 12:29 am
Good evening,
this is probably something that you won't be able to help with but I thought I would ask on the off chance anyway :)

I used to read girly comics as a child such as Bunty, Mandy, June, Misty etc, these are all British comics. I have searched all over the net but have not been able to find them to read online or to download either.

Does anyone know if there is anything out there or should I just give up all hope :)
Aug 20th, 2015, 12:29 am

Listening to now

Blake Crouch Dark Matter
Aug 20th, 2015, 11:23 am
Alisonjayne wrote:Good evening,
this is probably something that you won't be able to help with but I thought I would ask on the off chance anyway :)

I used to read girly comics as a child such as Bunty, Mandy, June, Misty etc, these are all British comics. I have searched all over the net but have not been able to find them to read online or to download either.

Does anyone know if there is anything out there or should I just give up all hope :)

Aug 20th, 2015, 11:23 am
Aug 23rd, 2015, 9:05 pm
I have many,many old scans of commando comics. I won't put a link as DC Thomson are particularly rigorous in their search for copies of these and threaten all sorts of legal things. Before I start to post is there any interest?
Aug 23rd, 2015, 9:05 pm
Nov 23rd, 2015, 11:54 pm
I've been reading the Darkseid War that has been running in the Justice League since issue #40 and, so far at least, it's been a welcome return to a long story line running in a single comic. This is great but I have a feeling that it's going to spill over into the rest of the DC Universe and become the next "Mega-Epic-That-Will-Change-The-DC-Universe!" If I'm wrong then all well and good. However, if it proves correct I'll be kissing DC comics goodbye and they can join Marvel and I'll find other publishers to take their place.

I thought Disney/Marvel was ridiculous with the amount of variations they churn out until I read that the new Dark Knight: The Master Race #1 came out with 53 different covers. Already the greedy sellers are trying to flog the rarer variations, the Jim Lee cover on ebay at $400 plus just to name one. Me, I'll be happy to buy a plain vanilla #1 and sod the variation craze.

Rats! I can't think of anything to complain about today.

6th January 2016. Sigh. The first "Event" in Disney...oops, Marvel Comics for 2016 will soon be upon us ... ndoff.html. I'm so thrilled I could yawn. And after a bit digging I discover that there's going to be, or least appears to be, yet another "Event" this year I can't even raise a yawn at this.

This is terrible, I can't think of anything to whinge about comics wise this week.
Nov 23rd, 2015, 11:54 pm
Feb 27th, 2016, 2:19 am
If is true then it looks like my DC Comics buying days may well be numbered. Time to start looking at adding titles by other companies.

3rd April 2016 -
After perusing the June DC Comics solicitations I was rather pleased that most of the titles have been left unchanged although I'm not thrilled with the fortnightly releases of a number of titles because to buy them here in Australia will add roughly another $40.00 to a tight comics budget.

19/05/2016 -
Weellll, it now appears that I'll be cutting back on DC Comics with this Rebirth nonsense. When I put my August list together there will be a number of titles, particularly those that are on a fortnightly publishing schedule, that will be getting the axe. I'm on a fairly tight budget and buying comics here in Australia the prices range from around $7.00 and up. Time to start looking at other publishers again.
Feb 27th, 2016, 2:19 am
Last edited by Scunzero on May 18th, 2016, 11:52 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Mar 18th, 2016, 1:05 am
The young man (anyone under 35 is young to me) that handles the comics at the gaming shop in town gave me their one and only copy of The Walking Dead #150 Retailer variant as a gift. As you...jeez, I have nine ducks outside my bedroom window going off their little nuts...can imagine I was rather surprised. Good way to end a crappy week.

Mar 18th, 2016, 1:05 am
Mar 30th, 2016, 10:17 am
I love the X-Men movies but have not read any of the comics... would anyone be kind enough to share the order in which they have to be read... Would be extremely appreciative of the same
Mar 30th, 2016, 10:17 am
Apr 3rd, 2016, 12:19 am
mdsouza wrote:I love the X-Men movies but have not read any of the comics... would anyone be kind enough to share the order in which they have to be read... Would be extremely appreciative of the same

Start with the original 1963 X-Men, better yet, have a look at -

I'm not a fan of Wikipedia but it does have its uses sometimes.
Apr 3rd, 2016, 12:19 am