Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Nov 23rd, 2018, 3:42 pm
5 Books by Suki Fleet
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1 mb | 2018 Reissue
Overview:Award Winning Author. Prolific Reader. Lover of angst, romance and unexpected love stories. Genderfluid. Pan. She/they. Suki Fleet's first novel This is Not a Love Story won Best Gay Debut in the 2014 Rainbow Awards, and was a finalist in the 2015 Lambda Awards. Foxes won Best Gay Young Adult story in the 2016 Rainbow Awards.
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


Foxes - When Dashiel’s body is found dumped on an East London wasteland, his best friend Danny sets out to find the killer. But Danny finds interaction difficult and must keep his world small in order to survive. By day he lives in an abandoned swimming pool and fixes electrical devices to trade for supplies, but by night, alone, he hunts sharks a reckless search for dangerous men who prey on the vulnerable.
A chance meeting with an American boy selling himself on the streets throws this lonely existence into disarray. Micky is troubled, fragile, and Danny feels a desperate need to protect him. Though from what, he doesn't know. As Danny discovers more about Micky, he realises that what Micky needs saving from is the one thing Danny has no idea how to fight.
To save Micky, Danny must risk expanding his world and face something that scares him more than any shark ever could: trusting he will be accepted for who he is. If a freezing winter on the streets, a sadistic doctor, and three thousand miles don't tear them apart first, that is.

For Sam, times infinity - After growing up in care, all Sam wants is to make a home for him and Tommy, his kid brother by choice. But it’s not as easy as he thought, especially when his social worker finds him a job miles away. And falling for the surprising boy at work only makes things harder.
Evra is different, his past a mystery. Being truly himself is not something he’s ever felt safe enough to be with anyone, not until Sam, the shyest boy ever, saves his life at work and Evra finds himself inexplicably trusting him. Wanting him.
Problem is, Sam is leaving, unable to stand being so far away from Tommy. And Evra can’t leave, not when he has consequences to face.
Making things work might seem complicated, but sometimes falling in love has its own consequences.

The First Boy I Ever Kissed - It’s been over two years since Tommy’s heart was broken. Two years since Kim vanished from his life without a word.
Kim was the first boy he’d ever kissed. The only person he’s been in love with. He’d thought they were starting something when he showed his feelings on prom night, and they shared their perfect messy kiss, but he’d been wrong. He never saw Kim again. Until tonight when joy riders crash into the warehouse complex where he works.
Kim’s life is a mess. For two years he’s been involved with a criminal gang, doing everything he can to protect his mum from harm. He knows he has nothing to offer. But seeing Tommy again gives him the strength to try. If only Tommy wasn’t leaving the day after tomorrow to go traveling around the world. If only tonight wasn’t all they had.

The Happiness Project - Nineteen-year-old Bruno has a secret he can never tell. The sort of secret that means he can never have anything more than sort of friends. Never get close to anyone. Never have a random hook-up or even a kiss—apart from that one time in a club when some beautiful guy wearing luminous wings and neon bangles up his arms, kissed him.
His secret means getting fired from job after job washing dishes, until delivering mysterious packages around London is his only way of making any money. His secret means his life is, at its heart, a lie.
Bruno thinks he can live that lie. Alone in his empty, furniture-less flat, he thinks he has to. Until the lonely boy next door throws up on him and they get stuck in a lift together. But that’s the problem when someone starts to care about you, your secrets get harder to hide. And as he and Alexei gets closer, Bruno realises that his only real choice is between hiding his heart and trusting it.
Alexei is confused. About everything. Hiding out in a room in his cousin's flat, he tries to convince himself that’s where he needs to stay. Bad things happen outside. Things that might make his world grow even darker. Things he doesn’t think he can deal with. He doesn’t want to have feelings for Bruno. Feelings terrify him. But when he starts to understand Bruno has his own troubles, helping him becomes the only thing Alexei wants to do.

Cute as Cats - Meet-cute in a cat cafe, but oh no! there's a storm and they're trapped together...
Zu has spent his life wishing he wasn’t so big and awkward and always making a mess of things. When he gets stood up by his date at a cat café one rainy Christmas eve, it turns out to be the best thing that could have happened to him. He finds himself exchanging flirty glances with Kiitan, the café’s slender pudding chef. But when they start to talk, Kiitan tells Zu he’s deaf and Zu’s shyness get the better of him, and his worry about messing up makes him do just that.
Gathering his courage, Zu vows to wait until the end of Kiitan’s shift to make it up to him. But as the streets around the café start to flood, the café closes early to make sure everyone can get home, and Zu thinks his chance is gone. Until he sees Kiitan is staying behind to protect the café’s cats. Ignoring all the ways things could go wrong, Zu does the only thing that feels right—he takes a chance and offers to help him.
An earlier version of this story was available as part of the Rainbow Christmas Advent in 2022. This is an extended and updated version of that story.

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Nov 23rd, 2018, 3:42 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on Nov 19th, 2023, 5:05 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Nov 14th, 2019, 3:50 pm

For Sam, times infinity
Nov 14th, 2019, 3:50 pm
Jan 10th, 2021, 3:06 pm
The First Boy I Ever Kissed
Jan 10th, 2021, 3:06 pm
Oct 25th, 2022, 12:45 am
The Happiness Project
Oct 25th, 2022, 12:45 am