Crime, mystery, suspense, legal, action-adventure
Apr 15th, 2023, 3:24 pm
6 Books by Theo Baxter
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Overview:Theo Baxter has followed in the footsteps of his brother, best-selling suspense author Cole Baxter. He enjoys the twists and turns that readers encounter in his stories.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


The Stepfather - She thought she knew who she was marrying. But he’s hiding a deadly secret.
After a painful divorce, Madelyne finds love with George, a successful restaurant owner with a charming veneer. Their marriage seems perfect except for one thing: her daughter Connie has taken a strong dislike to her new husband.
Sixteen and smart, Connie knows something is deeply wrong with her stepfather. His behaviour towards her mother is often manipulative and she suspects he’s cheating. The only person she can turn to is her real father, Damon.
Afflicted by PTSD from his time in Afghanistan and facing financial ruin, Damon has every reason to hate his ex-wife, but he still carries a torch for her and wants to help.
But when Connie hatches a plot to expose George's true nature, she stumbles instead on a truth that's a thousand times more horrifying than anything she could have imagined.
Now Connie and Madelyne are in mortal danger. And Damon is the only one who can save them.

Vanished - Maggie knows someone wants to hurt her daughter. So why will no-one help?
Single mother Maggie Conner struggles to raise her young daughter, Isabel, in a household ruled by her own abusive father.
Terrified for Isabel’s safety, Maggie realises that neither her cold, distant mother nor anyone else in town seem willing to help them.
Then Isabel starts to disappear for long periods, returning with no idea of where she has been or why.
And when Maggie tries to get outside help, doctors and psychologists seem strangely reluctant to get involved in Isabel’s case. Is someone threatening them so they’ll stay away?
Desperate to save her daughter, Maggie searches for answers. But the more she digs, the more she is forced to confront the secrets buried deep in her own past.
As Maggie’s whole world begins to unravel, can she find the strength to face the terrifying truth?

It's Your Turn Now - Daisy is desperate to escape her husband. But has she made a deal with the devil?
Daisy Costigan is desperate to leave her violent, controlling husband, Bruce. But she knows he’ll never let her go. And if she tries to escape, he’s promised he’ll do whatever it takes to track her down and have his revenge. She’s trapped.
One day Daisy meets a charming stranger in a bookstore. His name is Marco and he overhears Daisy’s terrified phone conversation with controller Bruce.
Marco makes Daisy an offer. He’ll take care of Bruce if she’ll help him with a little problem - his wife.
Daisy doesn’t really think he’s serious, but two days later Bruce is dead. And now Marco wants her to hold up her end of the deal. If she doesn’t, he says he’ll kill someone she loves.
Stalked by the unhinged Marco, Daisy finds herself in an impossible situation. Can she find a way to escape this terrifying man? Or will she be forced to do the unthinkable?

The Scorned Wife - Damon will do anything to get what he wants. This time, her name is Amelia.
Amelia was deeply in love with her husband, Sam. Until she discovered he was having an affair with her younger sister, Cara.
Ever since, Amelia has had to sit by at family events while her sister and ex-husband flaunt their passionate relationship.
Tired of being seen as a loser, Amelia hires stunningly handsome actor, Damon Chase, to stand in as her boyfriend. A plan that works better than she ever hoped as pathologically competitive Cara throws herself at Damon, causing an acrimonious breakup with Sam.
But Amelia doesn’t get to enjoy her moment of triumph for long. Because Damon suddenly announces that he’d like to start dating for real. And he’s not taking no for an answer.
As he begins to stalk her, Amelia realizes she doesn’t really know this guy, that he may be dangerous.
A fear that is confirmed as her life spirals down into a relentless nightmare and she finally gets to see the real Damon: a man with no boundaries, who will do absolutely anything to get what he wants - her.

Not My Mother - Jake’s mom went to hospital. Someone else came back.
Carly has a complicated personal life. She’s been the mistress of famous artist Nelson Carter for the past five years. Now Nelson has finally left his wife Amanda, but instead of committing to Carly, he’s indulging in a series of one-night stands.
She has had enough and is about to leave him when a vicious attack on Amanda means Carly has to put her plans on hold to care for Nelson’s traumatized ten-year-old son, Jake.
Only when Amanda is released from hospital can Carly finally move on with her life.
But then a frightened Jake confides a disturbing secret - ‘That’s not my mom’. He is convinced the woman who came home from hospital is an imposter.
Carly tries to brush this off, but she can see that Amanda’s behavior does seem strange. And when someone targets Jake, Carly realizes she has to get to the truth of what’s happening.
A decision that leads her step by terrifying step towards a dark secret that will change her life forever.

The Lake House - Pine Lake seems like a lovely little town. Unless you live there.
Laura thought fiancé Tony was ‘the one’ – until she caught him cheating with her best friend and maid of honor, Mary.
Devastated, Laura moved away and settled in idyllic Pine Lake, where she is just beginning to date again.
But her new life is turned upside down when her next-door neighbor dies in a freak accident . . . and Tony and Mary move in beside her.
Things go downhill fast...
Mary is convinced that Tony orchestrated the move so he could live near Laura and cheat with her. Tony suspects that Mary moved them here so she could stalk Laura, with whom she’s totally obsessed.
For her part, Laura is increasingly uncomfortable with both. Strange things keep happening and she is convinced that someone is watching her.
Then this small community is rocked by a murder, and Laura begins to worry that her very life might be on the line.
And she’s right, she’s in terrible danger. Because this little town is home to a mind that is truly evil…

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Not My Mother

The Lake House

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Apr 15th, 2023, 3:24 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on May 18th, 2024, 3:01 pm, edited 8 times in total.