May 9th, 2024, 2:43 am
Name and Author of eBook: The Art of Masters of the Universe: Origins and Masterverse by Alexander Irvine
WRZ$ reward: 200.00 WRZ$

Heroes and Villains of Origins and Masterverse come alive!

This beautifully designed volume gives a deep dive into the lore and world of the Mattel hit figure lines, Masters of the Universe: Origins and Masterverse. Explore each figure’s background, as well as detailed and wonderfully laid out artwork from the products themselves. Also, the tome will feature new insights from the creators of the figures, written by Alex Irvine (The Comic Book Story of Baseball, Marvel Phase One through Three)!

Dark Horse Books and Mattel proudly present: The Art of Masters of the Universe: Origins and Masterverse!

CBR format, please

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May 9th, 2024, 2:43 am