The graphic novels loved by children and adults alike
Apr 8th, 2024, 8:20 am
Death Strikes: The Emperor of Atlantis by Dave Maass, Patrick Lay and Ezra Rose
Requirements: .CBR/.CBZ reader, 227MB
Overview: Mixing dystopian science fiction, mythic fantasy and zombie horror, Death Strikes: The Emperor of Atlantis is a graphic novel based on a suppressed opera written in 1943 by Peter Kien and Viktor Ullmann, two prisoners at the Terezín concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. The authors did not live to see their masterpiece performed.
Set in an alternative universe where Atlantis never sank but instead became a technologically advanced tyranny, the power-mad buffoonish Emperor declares all-out war. Death goes on a labor strike, creating a hellscape where everyone fights, but no one dies. Can the spirit of Life stop this terror with the power of love?
This graphic novel also includes designs from the original opera, historical essays, photographs and more.
Genre: Comics


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Apr 8th, 2024, 8:20 am

I was in the beginning and shall be forever. The first and the last. The world come full circle. I am time, the destroyer. I was the wind and the stars before this. Before planets. Before heaven and hell. And when all is done, I will be wind again, to blow this world as dust back into endless space.