Speculative fiction, alternative worlds, futuristic, supernatural, horror
Apr 27th, 2024, 5:03 pm
Dragonslayer (#1-4) by Resa Nelson
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Overview: Award-winning author Resa Nelson is a long-time member of SFWA (Science Fiction Writers of America) and a graduate of the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop. Resa writes fantasy and mystery/thriller novels about women who are strong, smart, and courageous. Her characters are everyday people faced by overwhelming problems that threaten to destroy the existence they know. Resa Nelson's Dragon Cycle is made up of four series (four books in each series) that follow the epic saga of four generations in a Norse-like fantasy world where dragons can be more than they seem. In addition, the Pingzi & Benzel novels are standalone books that fit into the world of the Dragon Cycle. Nelson has also written a two-book series inspired by ancient Egypt, as well as two science fiction standalone novels.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


#1. The Dragonslayer's Sword
Astrid assumed all dragons should be killed – until she met one that changed her mind.
In the medieval Northlands, a dangerous family seeks power.
They slaughter all who get in their way.
Children’s rhymes hint at what’s to come, but no one recognizes the danger at hand.
Astrid doesn’t know she holds the key to this power.
She’s just a blacksmith who makes swords for dragonslayers.
But Astrid has a dark secret …
A dragon once chewed her up and spit her out.
She hides the old scars covering her body through shapeshifting.
But the time for hiding is over.

#2. The Iron Maiden
Astrid is reluctant to travel the winter route beyond the Northlands, even though it's her duty. She'd rather stay home in her village, surrounded by friends and neighbors. Ignoring the bonds of tradition, she decides to spend the cold winter months in the warmth of her blacksmithing shop. Why should she leave the comfort of her cottage to serve and protect foreigners who might raid and harm her native Northlands?
But then a traveling merchant steals Starlight, the first dragonslayer's sword Astrid forged and her last link to her sweetheart DiStephan. Having no time to alert her friends, Astrid races in pursuit of the merchant, determined to reclaim Starlight as her own and return home in time for dinner.
Instead, her quest leads her to new lands, unexpected friendships with foreigners, and a harrowing encounter with the damage done by the followers of a new god that considers women as nothing more than servants to men. All the while, she must be ready to face any dragon traveling the winter route.

#3. The Stone Of Darkness
n Book 3 of the Dragonslayer series, Astrid accepts her duty and follows the winter route--until she's bitten by a dragon. Everyone knows dragon bites are poisonous and deadly, so she reluctantly accepts her impending death. In a twist of fate, she survives.
Desperate for an explanation, Astrid believes she has somehow been protected by the black stone she keeps with her at all times, a stone that emerged from the sole of her foot a year ago.
Determined to find out what the stone is and what kind of powers it possesses, Astrid begins a journey that leads her to alchemists and an army of men under the rule of the powerful warrior, Mandulane, the acting lord of the Krystr army. Mandulane's mission is to spread the word of the new god Krystr, which preaches the evil intent of women and the danger they pose to all men, who are entitled to dominate the world. Rumors about this new god and army have spread, but Astrid is the first Northlander to encounter them. Soon, she stumbles upon a secret of a far-reaching and mind-numbing plot that will impact the entire world.
Astrid must find a way to spread the news of this threat and protect her people and everyone else at risk. She's convinced the answer lies inside the Stone of Darkness, and she must find a way to understand the stone and the powers she's convinced it must hold before it's too late.

#4. The Dragon's Egg
In the fourth and final book of the Dragonslayer series, Mandulane's army is poised to attack the Northlands in the name of a powerful god, but in truth Mandulane is using the act of spreading this new faith as a way to disguise his own personal greed and hunger for power.
Astrid has succeeded in warning her beloved country of imminent danger, and the Northlanders scramble to set up a clever defense, never realizing a spy in their midst is poised to take critical information directly to Mandulane.

#SS. Astrid, The Dragonslayer's Blacksmith
When a stranger claims he has inherited Astrid’s home and her profession as a blacksmith, he also demands to be taught the technique for making a dragonslayer’s sword, a technique that Astrid has sworn to keep secret.
Now Astrid faces the threat of homelessness as well as losing the work she loves dearly – work that many say no woman has the right to do. With the odds mounting against her, Astrid must find a way to prove her worth and hold onto all that’s so dear to her.

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Apr 27th, 2024, 5:03 pm

✨️ Oooh, riiight. The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen
specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison. That poison? I got you covered.
