Speculative fiction, alternative worlds, futuristic, supernatural, horror
Jun 18th, 2019, 1:58 pm
Elemental Web Tale Series (3-4, 7) by Anne Renwick
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 3.1MB | Retail
Overview: Though Anne Renwick holds a Ph.D. in biology and greatly enjoyed tormenting the overburdened undergraduates who were her students, fiction has always been her first love. Today, she writes steampunk romance, placing a new kind of biotech in the hands of mad scientists, proper young ladies and determined villains. Anne is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She lives in Maryland with her family.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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#3 - A Reflection of Shadows
A thief with golden eyes. The spy who loves her. A mad scientist who will break hearts to expose her secrets.

Shunned for her odd eyes and an unnerving habit of slipping into shadows, Lady Colleen Stewart refuses to be caged—should she decide to marry, it'll be for love and to a man of her choice. After all, she'd rather be racing over rooftops than waltzing across ballroom floors. So when the only man to ever tempt her heart invites her on a covert mission, she leaps into danger.

Nicholas Torrington, Queen's agent, is running out of time. While work has him chasing his tail, his sister grows increasingly ill, and Colleen, the woman he would make his bride, has acquired another, determined suitor. To coax his favorite thief back into his arms, he'll break every rule and lead her through the underbelly of London on a hunt for a mad scientist and a cure for his sister.

But the discovery of a burned-out laboratory provides more questions than answers, and they find themselves caught in a deadly game where they have become the prey. Surviving the ambitions of their pursuers will bring everything into sharp focus as they risk their very lives.

#4 - A Snowflake at Midnight
A rare manuscript. A midnight promise. A villain who would steal them both away.

Pressured by looming deadlines and an annoying patron, Evie Brown, academic librarian, struggles to find joy this Christmas holiday. Worse, her sick father is ready to abandon treatments and surrender to fate – a decision she refuses to accept. Delving into a medieval manuscript, she searches for answers in the distant past.

For the woman who has stolen his heart, only a perfect proposal will do. Ash Lockwood, botanist, has transformed the rooftop greenhouse into a tropical fairyland. But when Evie begs him to help her harvest mistletoe at midnight, they venture down a different garden path – unaware that danger circles close.

When their plans implode and a murderer threatens their lives, only invention and teamwork will save them.

#7 - Flight of the Scarab
A Clockwork Scarab. A fairy ring. A Chance to reignite the past.

When Julia Marston stumbles upon her estranged husband's lifeless body in a cemetery at dawn, she trips and falls into a fairy ring of softly glowing mushrooms. In the eerie silence, a glinting clockwork scarab takes flight. Has her husband's dark past as an antiquities smuggler finally caught up to him? Will it shatter her present?

Enter Graham Leyton, a man on a mission to retrieve stolen technology. Equally shocked at her husband's death, he can't help but ponder the possibility of a second chance with the woman he never stopped loving. But the crime scene presents a grim revelation. A once mutual friend, consumed by his obsession with Julia, has reprogrammed the clockwork creature for a sinister purpose: murder.

As the race to capture the clockwork scarab unfolds, the past and present collide in a whirlwind of deceit and longing, hurtling toward a confrontation that will define their future.

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Jun 18th, 2019, 1:58 pm
Last edited by polkapatti on May 12th, 2024, 2:16 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Dec 11th, 2019, 6:15 pm
Added: Book #4 - A Snowflake at Midnight
Dec 11th, 2019, 6:15 pm

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May 12th, 2024, 2:16 pm
Added: Book #7 - Flight of the Scarab
May 12th, 2024, 2:16 pm

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