Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
May 9th, 2024, 3:13 pm
Tantalizing Trilogies by Erin R Flynn (4-6)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 952 kb
Overview: Erin is a born Chicagoan who has lived in several states which gives her an interesting perspective from which to write characters. Still a loyal Cubs fan, she also cheers for her alma mater, the Illini from her home outside Boston.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


4. Mabel 1 - Mabel Matthias agreed to be married off to benefit her family because it was the duty of a noble daughter. Raised as a doll to be obedient and do exactly what the men of her family, and later her husband, tell her, she endures the humiliation of her husband already having a mistress who lives in their house.
And it only gets worse from there.
After six years of torture at the hands of her husband, his mistress, and the house’s staff, her husband demands for her to sign divorce papers. As excited as she is at the prospect of being freed from that monster, she has to speak to her father first.
But instead of a man concerned that his daughter comes home abused and scarred, he demands she go back and fix her marriage or kill herself instead of embarrassing the family with a divorce. Her brothers make it worse by jeering at her after all she has suffered to improve their lives.
No more. No more will she allow herself to be treated this way by monsters who have no love for her and abuse her.
Grand Duke Ian Brooker sees the sister he cannot save when he looks at his enemy’s wife even as her beauty captivates him. Commander Andre Lessa is ready to give up on his position and his hopes for the future when he encounters the most surprising woman who is fighting to keep going and he can’t seem to stop thinking about her.
But will either be able to help her, or will their history get in the way of what is best for Mabel?

5. Mabel 2 - Now that Mabel is divorced and her family has come back into the picture, she’s not surprised it’s all about money. She is the only reason that her family wasn’t ruined, and then they sold her to bring the family a deal they could not get on their own.
And they will stop at nothing to get that money, especially now that they know Mabel outsmarted them and changed her name. It’s clear that her father hoped to kill her so they would inherit her vast wealth, but there are several people who will make sure that never happens.
If she recovers from Count Sunde’s attack.
Andre is beside himself at the mistakes he and his men made that led to Mabel being brutally injured. When he finds out that the Sundes are working with the Matthias family to get their money back and probably murder Mabel, he will stop at nothing to keep her safe.
Ian will wipe out the Sunde family before he allows them to hurt Mabel again, and not because she’s a saint. She’s the one person who sees him as Ian, not a Brooker or a member of the royal family. She’s the one chance he has left at happiness, and he needs her in his life.
Now if she would simply let him protect her and take care of her the way she deserves, things would go much smoother. Apparently, he will have to use his charms to make her agree to what he wants.
Even if Andre is doing the same.

6. Mabel 3 - Now that everyone will learn that Mabel is the saint blessed by the goddess Violetta, she will be in even more danger than before. The Holy Empire is demanding she be turned over like property and they won’t be the only ones. It’s the last thing she wants, and it seems like her whole life will crumble right before her eyes.
How cruel is it to have freedom that few women ever obtain only to have it so briefly?
So much has changed for Andre now that he has forgiven Ian for their past and has become a minister of Areca. He’s a marquis and in a relationship beyond his wildest hopes with two people he loves. And he will fight with all he has to protect that.
Ian lost the love of his life once doing what was best for the royal family and the kingdom. This time he will do what’s best for the two people he loves more than his own life, and if that means taking on the Holy Empire or the entire world to protect them, so be it.
But can the three of them really make their dreams a reality when so much is against them?

Download Instructions:
4. Mabel 1

5. Mabel 2

6. Mabel 3

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May 9th, 2024, 3:13 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on May 11th, 2024, 3:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.