Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Sep 13th, 2023, 3:53 pm
Havok Hills Series by H.C. Riley (1-3)
Requirements: epub reader, 533 kb
Overview: I write dark romance with emotionally traumatized, often morally grey characters that walk a blurred line between what's right and wrong when it comes to the people they love.
Genre: Romance


1. Fractured Parts - Echo
I grew up trapped in a loop of abuse that I couldn't escape. At night, I'd cry myself to sleep, wishing that a hero would come and save me from the waking nightmare I called life, just like they do in the movies. Well, newsflash - heroes don't exist.
So I saved myself.
I've been living like a ghost for more than 5 years. Flying under the radar. That was, until him.
He's watching me. Always watching. The fucked up part? I don't want him to stop. I crave him. Just when I'd resolved myself to loving a nameless, faceless man, Declan walked into my bar. He's not quite who he seems, and before I know it, I'm in too deep to turn back. Now I don't know who or what I want.
Not that it really matters, because when my past and present collide...
I may not make it out alive.
I've devoted my life to avenging the brutal murder of my brother. It was all going according to plan. I'd wormed my way into the good graces of the organization that I set out to destroy. By day, I commit sins in their name. By night, I slaughter them one by one.
Then she crossed my path, quickly becoming the object of my obsession. She became the drug I couldn't quit. I know this life is dangerous, so I really tried to let her go. But it wasn't enough, watching from a distance. I had to fucking have her.
She knows me as two different men. The mysterious man who walked into her bar, and the one who watches her from the shadows. When my world comes crashing down around me, will my quest for vengeance cost me the only thing left that's worth living for?

2. Wayward Souls - Spencer
I thought that bearing witness to the slow and agonizing death of my mother would be the worst thing I'd ever endure, but I was wrong. The only light left in my life was in the form of the boy next door. Travis Price was the only one who kept me safe from the hell that lurked inside of these walls. Then one day, he was gone - leaving me to face the darkness alone.
Now, after all these years, our paths have crossed again. Like a hurricane, both fierce and destructive, Travis Price is determined to make his way back into my life no matter the cost. He's not the boy I remember anymore either, he's a vicious killer, running an empire in a city of sin. But, I can't let him in, because the secrets I run from could kill us both.
Spencer Maddox said I was the only one who protected her from the monster she was left to, but the thing was, I lived with my own monster. One that used her as a pawn to rip apart my soul, and mold me into what I am today. A killer. Leaving was the only way to keep her alive. So I did. But I left my heart with her. At least whatever was left of it. And when it was finally safe, I went back for her, but she was gone.
A decade later, I discover she has been right under my nose all along. Unknowingly entrenched in my world. Now her life hangs in the balance of acts set in motion years ago by both of our families. As the secrets we've kept locked away begin to unravel, we discover our paths have been more intertwined all this time than either of us ever could have imagined. And now that I've got her back, I'll never let her go. Even if it kills me.

3. Jagged Edges (MM) - Zeke
For years I went through life solo, punishing myself for the mistakes that I made when I was merely a boy, taking on the responsibilities of a man.
Until Riot West.
Guarded and mysterious, he was a puzzle I needed to solve, an itch that I needed to scratch. And for awhile, he made everything better; but I did what I do best and I pushed him away, driving him into the arms of another man.
Cole Lennox isn't just another man though, I'm drawn to him like a moth to a flame, but at the same time, I'm terrified that he will steal away the only thing I love in this world.
Oh yeah, and to top it all off, I'm keeping secrets from everyone I know. Secrets that just might destroy us all.

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3. Jagged Edges (MM)

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Sep 13th, 2023, 3:53 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on Mar 28th, 2024, 3:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.