Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Aug 30th, 2022, 1:40 am
Conquering Imoria's Magic Duology by T. B. Wiese (1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 483 KB 455 kb
Overview: I’m a military spouse, dog mom, photographer, Disney nerd, and lover of spicy fantasy. My debut novel is coming out in 2022, and I couldn't be more nervous and excited to share it with you
Genre: Fiction > Romance


1. The Crown Breaker - Rydel and his best friend, Luc lied, cheated, robbed, and killed their way from the slums to the throne, winning Rydel the crown and Luc the position of his captain. But the throne wasn’t the only goal. With the former king’s head on a pike, Rydel acquired the Mind Stone, one of only two magical items left in the country of Imoria. For the past ten years, Rydel and the other two rulers of the country have narrowly avoided conflict in their desperate search for the final Stone of power.
King Rydel is close, willing to do whatever it takes to possess the final Stone and gain ultimate power and control. But, when he almost loses Luc in an assassination attempt, he’s pushed to the edge, unable to fathom a world without the one person he cares about , the one person he desires even over power, the one person he … loves.
War rages. Alliances are made … until a devastating betrayal nearly shatters the unbreakable king who threatens to reduce Imoria to blood, bone, and ash.
No one is safe from Rydel.

2. The Broken King - RYDEL
My country, my kingdom, my life, my body … they’re all broken. And I broke them.
I’ve been betrayed by my love. I’ve been overthrown from the southern kingdom. I’ve been pushed to the brink of death by my magic.
But out of this chaos, I will rise. The country may burn, and the magic may rage within me, but one thing I will never give up is … him.
I have suffered at the hands of the one who claimed to love me above all others. Now, he needs me.
Do I leave him to crumble under the power of his magic?
Do I let everything we have built burn to ash?
Our rage for one another has the power to destroy us both … But, if we find a way to forgive, our love has the power to bring the entire country to its knees.

Download Instructions:
1. The Crown Breaker
(Filehost down)

2. The Broken King

Trouble downloading? Read This.
Aug 30th, 2022, 1:40 am
Oct 31st, 2022, 1:25 am
2. The Broken King
Oct 31st, 2022, 1:25 am