Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Apr 26th, 2022, 11:47 pm
Black Hearts Series by A.N. Stauber (1, 3-4)
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Overview:A.N. is a wife and mother to three children. She enjoys writing dark romance novels with strong female leads, always with a HEA. When she isn't reading and writing, she spends her days with her family. Other passions include: crafting, horseback riding, and procrastinating.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


Army veteran, Haley Savino, ran from the west coast to avoid her monsters. The man who hurt her may not have followed, but the haunting memories did. PTSD from the trauma of her stepfather left her turning to alcohol to numb her pain. She's only ever known that men can't be trusted.
When Cal barreled through her world, she struggled to find meaning in the new attraction.
Callum Murphy, heir to the Boston Irish Mafia, never expected to find a woman he loved.
When Haley entered his bar for a birthday bash, he knew he couldn't let her go. The sadness in her eyes drew him to her, but the challenge of breaking down her walls is exactly what he was missing in his life.
Can Haley finally trust a man with her heart? And can Cal be the one, even though he is the worst monster of all?

3. His Ruthless Queen - Saoirse Murphy.
Fierce, stubborn, strong.
She was the temptation I couldn’t give in to. I would’ve gone through hell for her. Even if it meant removing myself from her life to save her the heartache that comes from being with a Made Man.
But when she needed me, I couldn't resist her call. I would always be there for her. Even if it meant seeing her in the hands of another man. At least that’s what I told myself. Saoirse was walking temptation, and I didn’t believe I could resist.
Jameson Scott Burne.
Best friend, confidant, protector.
I’d always loved him, but he left me, destroying everything before we even had a chance. He was my everything until he wasn’t. He swore we could be nothing, until I called his bluff.
But when the bratva prince wanted to force me into marriage to cement his hold over Boston, Scotty came back. He claimed me—tried to make up for the past.
Could I trust him to keep me safe? Could the man who left me be trusted with my life, now that I was engaged to someone else?

4. Her Brutal King- Declan Murphy
Dark, sinful, broken.
He came barreling into my world at just the right time. I was still heartbroken over the loss of my husband, but Declan made me feel again. I promised myself just one weekend, but he wasn’t willing to give me up so easily. There were secrets I wasn’t ready to tell him, and I knew when he found out about the lies, he’d never forgive me.
I needed him to understand that I didn’t need saving, especially not from a tattooed mobster who took what he wanted without assessing the consequences.
But I didn’t want his forgiveness. I wanted him on his knees, begging for mercy.
Samira Cullen
Bold, beautiful, off limits.
Or so she thought. The second I laid eyes on her, I wanted more than I knew she could offer. She was hiding things from me, but that didn’t matter. I became obsessed, entranced. I needed her and wanted her. I would have her at any and all costs. Even if that meant submitting to the demons that claimed her.
I needed her by my side more than my next breath, and I had to be patient enough for her to realize it.
I just didn’t know how I could forgive her for the lies. Would she let me? Did I want her when I couldn’t trust her?

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1, 3-4

4. Her Brutal King

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Apr 26th, 2022, 11:47 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on Nov 16th, 2023, 7:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
Jun 20th, 2023, 3:08 pm
2. His Ruthless Queen
Jun 20th, 2023, 3:08 pm