Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Dec 2nd, 2021, 4:06 pm
Valleywood Series by EE Silver (11, 24)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 801 KB
Overview: Like most authors, Elizabeth Silver is an introvert with a unique perspective on the world. Drawn to romance from an early age, Liz writes stories where two (or more) hearts find each other against all odds. Then she adds a little magic to the mix so they get to keep each other.
Genre: Romance MM


11. The Raven God's Fate - All he has ever wanted is to find his soulmate again. But his soulmate doesn't even believe in love.
Morgan Norn is the god of memory, but his past is too painful even for him. Twice, he has found his soulmate. Twice he has lost him. Now, he lives a life alone, telling himself he’s content to dedicate himself to the steadily growing numbers of gods and demigods in the human realm. He has no intention of letting his heart break a third time. But his fate was spun a long time ago, leading him to this one last chance.
As the premiere event planner in Valleywood, Caspian Chance has planned enough second and third weddings to know that happily ever after is a fantasy created to sell movie tickets and romance novels. He doesn’t have time to deal with some alpha’s ridiculous expectations. Dating the hot doctor who doesn’t look remotely old enough to have birthed and raised two daughters is as close as someone like Caspian can get.
The Fates may have been planning for this since the beginning of time, but there’s only so much they can do to get these two stubborn souls on the right path. And once they’re there? There won’t be a force in any realm strong enough to make them stay if they don’t believe their destiny is together.

24. The Raven God's Dream - This is one future that can't be left up to chance.
As God of the Future, Rowen Norn can see almost any thread of Fate, except for his own. And while all he wants is to find a soulmate of his own, he's been forced to watch his brothers find their own happily ever afters instead. He keeps telling himself that he can wait, that Fate will bring him his love when it's time. All he has to do is keep waiting.
Then he meets alpha Emilio Kyle, actor and single dad. Emilio and his little girl worm their way into Rowen's life and heart, and before long, Rowen finds himself wondering if it isn't time to take control of his own destiny and make a family on his own terms.
But while Rowen has been keeping his gaze fixed firmly on the future, the past has been gathering strength. While Rowen my be a god, there are still limits to his power, even things completely outside of his control. Danger borne of anger and jealousy looms large behind them, threatening to destroy everything between Rowen and Emilio before they even begin.

Download Instructions:
11. The Raven God's Fate
(Filehost down)

24. The Raven God's Dream

Trouble downloading? Read This.
Dec 2nd, 2021, 4:06 pm
Oct 30th, 2023, 3:46 pm
24. The Raven God's Dream
Oct 30th, 2023, 3:46 pm