Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
May 12th, 2024, 3:18 pm
Their Steamy Cabin by Frankie Love (The Men of Evergreen Mountain Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.5 mb
Overview: She's pure innocence, he's rugged and wild.
It’s about to get steamy in this cabin…

When sweetheart Savannah's car gets stuck in a downpour, she finds more than shelter in the arms of Hunter, a determined mountain man … but will their romance weather the storm?

This is wild, fertile land where the men are ready to whisk their women to bed.
No hook-ups or one-night stands.
Here in the Evergreen Mountains, the men are fiercely loyal.
Here, love lasts a lifetime.
Now … let's turn up the heat in their steamy cabin...
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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May 12th, 2024, 3:18 pm