Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Dec 22nd, 2023, 12:39 pm
Stuffie Hospital London series (#5,7-8) by Ellie Rose
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 343 KB
Overview: Visit Stuffie Hospital London, a fluffy and steamy romance series, where toys get a new lease of life and queer Littles get their very own happy ever afters!
Genre: Fiction > Romance LGBTQ

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A London Little's Penguin (#5)
Christmas is Rubie’s favourite time of the year. As finance manager of Stuffie Hospital London, she sets up payroll early and takes two whole weeks off to hole up in a remote cottage.

Only this year the cottage has been double booked, and after a storm the trans woman discovers herself snowed in with Anna, who gives off the warmest of Mommy vibes.

A London Little's Bunny (#7)
When Essie is asked to design the perfect bunny for a department store’s summer window display, she’s so excited. Bunnies are her absolute favourite!

But she bumps into the grumpy store manager Ben, a trans man who gets cross when she works too late or forgets her lunch. Soon Ben is fetching her lunches, and insisting she drink water, and behaving very much like the perfect Daddy would…

A London Little’s Octopus (#8)
Charlie hasn’t seen Leon since they were both on the same ward after their top surgeries, so when Leon brings a stuffie in to get repaired, Charlie’s delighted to see him again.
Leon hasn’t been able to get Charlie out of his mind since he left the hospital, so bumping into him here, a year later, feels like fate for the Daddy Dom.

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Dec 22nd, 2023, 12:39 pm

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