Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Apr 16th, 2024, 3:36 pm
A Flower For Mr. Wynters by Michelle Angus (The Wyntercrest Series Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.3 mb
Overview: She dreams of fairytale heroes and he scoffs at love. Can their opposing stories find a happily ever after?

Nate Wynters swore off the fickle embrace of love long ago. Love is only a fairytale afterall, a tale left told by the authors he has read from the books that sit upon the shelves in his sanctuary, and isn’t attainable by the standards he has set in place. He would rather read about it in books than face the reality of certain heartbreak and rejection. However, every once in a while, a whisper of uncertainty presents itself as a fleeting pang of loneliness. Perhaps there is such a person that exists that can help him write his own story? But fate, as it often does, has other plans. Thrown into his life, Delphi Honeyfield entirely disrupts his peace of mind as well as the carefully constructed walls around his heart.

Delphi Honeyfield is often ridiculed for her unconventional ways, but her graceful charm, blunt honesty, and bright smile, draw the stoic Nate Wynters like a moth to a flame. While she fills her days surrounded by her sisters and doting parents, a question continues to linger in the back of her mind from the beloved stories she has read: will there ever be someone for her, someone who could match the visions of the heroes she adores?

As Nate and Delphi are thrown together time and again, his heart is drawn to her, and he finds himself doing and saying things he never thought he would. Can Delphi’s sunshine chase away enough of Nate’s shadows so that she can see him for the hero he is underneath?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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Apr 16th, 2024, 3:36 pm