Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Jul 15th, 2021, 3:45 pm
Fallen Messengers Series by Ava Marie Salinger (1-6)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 2.4 mB
Overview: Ava Marie Salinger is the pen name of an Amazon bestselling author who has always wanted to write M/M urban fantasy.
Genre: Romance MM


1. Fractured Souls - Humans are dying in San Francisco. The most shunned angel on Earth may very well hold the key as to why...
When Cassius Black moves to San Francisco for a fresh start, the angel's hopes of staying below the radar of the supernatural organizations that oversee the otherworldly and magic users in the city are dashed when he stumbles across a dead body in the sewers. His grim discovery soon puts him in the sights of the Argonaut Agency and Francis Strickland, the bureau director who knows his darkest secrets.
Morgan King and his team of Argonaut agents have been on the hunt all summer for the culprits behind a series of gruesome killings that have rocked the city. Killings that bear sinister hallmarks of human sacrificial rituals where the victims’ souls have been stolen. When Fate puts Cassius in Morgan’s path, he realizes the angel everyone likes to call The Devil may very well be the only person who can help them track down the murderers.
Morgan and Cassius soon find themselves chasing down a sect of black-magic sorcerers and crossing paths with a mysterious warlock whose actions evoke disturbing echoes of an incident from Cassius's past. As rumors of a potential plot to tear open the Nether reach their ears, Cassius and Morgan must work together to defeat their common enemy and save the city from destruction, all while fighting their growing attraction for one another.

2. Spellbound - Can Cassius and Morgan overcome an elusive enemy and save a young girl’s life?
Eden Monroe has spent her entire existence believing she has no magic. Shunned by her mother Brianna and the magical bureau Hexa, she runs away from home when she is forced to embrace a future she never chose, only to fall into the hands of ghastly monsters from the Nine Hells. After being rescued by a mysterious Dryad with secrets of his own, Eden realizes there is more to her past and future than she could ever have imagined.
When San Francisco PD asks Argonaut to assist them in solving a series of strange bank robberies, Cassius Black and Morgan King uncover a disturbing plot that points to an unknown artifact hidden somewhere in the city. Their investigation soon has them crossing paths with a desperate Brianna, who seeks their help in finding her missing daughter. When the witch reveals the shocking circumstances surrounding her daughter’s birth as well as the deadly magic sealed inside the young girl’s body, the Argonaut agents realize their case is linked to Eden and the weapon of devastating power the bank robbers are after.
Can Cassius and Morgan defeat the malevolent organization behind it all and save Eden from her cursed fate? Or will the young girl suffer a destiny worse than death itself?

3. Edge Lines - The Gods have come to San Francisco…
Cassius Black and Morgan King’s trip to Ivory Peaks to uncover clues about their past takes an unexpected turn when a rift materializes and war demons attack the capital. Having saved one world by the skin of their teeth, they return to Earth, only to find it has been rocked by ominous quakes bearing a close resemblance to the phenomenon that nearly destroyed the Dryad kingdom.
After defeating demons that emerge from a crevasse in San Francisco, Cassius and Morgan rescue the Wild God Pan from the bottom of a rift with the help of Victor Sloan and the city’s otherwordly. But instead of thanking them, Pan makes a startling demand: rescue his lover and prevent the Spirit Realm from being destroyed, and he will reveal the truth about who Cassius and Morgan are.
Help comes from an unexpected source when a pair of Reapers visit the city and Cassius, Morgan, and Victor soon go hunting for a missing deity who may hold the key to saving all the realms. Can they free the immortals from their prisons and find the powerful artefact that can bend the mind and will of even a God? Or will the enemy who has long manipulated them from the shadows win this war and destroy everything they have come to care for?

4. Oathbreaker - When the past comes calling, Cassius and Morgan have no option but to face the dire consequences of the choices they made before the Fall.
With Cassius Black’s secret operations to save the world in the last five-hundred years finally revealed by the agencies that govern the otherworldly, his status as the most vilified Fallen on Earth changes almost overnight. Unused to his newfound fame, Cassius tries to keep a low profile, but Morgan King’s reckless actions soon have them in the news again.
Forced to take a sabbatical, the pair heads to London to meet with Victor Sloan, who’s been incommunicado since his identity as the demigod who betrayed Cassius and Morgan during the War in the Nether came to light in the Spirit Realm.
Meanwhile, Theophile Serrano’s attempts to adapt to his new job as P.A. to Sion CEO Hugo Frost are derailed by the strange things that keep happening to him. Things that soon convince him that he is losing his mind.
Destinies collide when a catastrophe engendered by the dark God Elios strikes London. As past and present meet, Cassius finally comes face to face with the Guardians who were left behind in the Nether.
Will unlocking the secrets of Cassius and Theo’s past be the key to the city’s salvation? Or will the truth tear them all apart and give Elios the victory he seeks?

5. Harbinger - The wheels of Fate have started to turn…
When an unknown plague starts to decimate the Earth, Cassius Black and Morgan King soon realize they’re dealing with something not of the human world. As their allies gather in San Francisco to try and determine the cause of the contagion, unwelcome news reaches Morgan’s ears. The Dryad kingdom has come under attack by an unknown enemy.
Forced into making a difficult choice, Cassius and Morgan part ways to deal with both crises. But the battles in Ivory Peaks and on Earth end up costing the couple more than they could ever have imagined, bringing them face to face with powerful enemies from their past. On the edge of despair, Cassius finds hope in the arrival of an unexpected group of deities. Goddesses who are related to both Morgan and Victor Sloan by more than just Fate.
Cassius learns of the twisted threads of destiny that bind them all and discovers the latest peril they face is of Elios’s making. When he’s told by the Goddesses that the only way to end the God of Darkness’s deranged scheme is to find a legendary item lost to the tides of time, Cassius vows to stop at nothing to locate it, whatever the sacrifice.

6. Crimson Skies - The End is Nigh…
A war to end all worlds is looming. Cassius Black and Morgan King must ready their forces for the fight against Elios, the dark God determined to raise Chaos himself from the Abyss.
With Atropos’s prophetic vision that their final battle will have Earth as its stage, Cassius embarks on a journey to New York to persuade the leaders of the human race that war is inevitable and their best chance lies with the otherworldly beings who fell to Earth five centuries ago. Meanwhile, Morgan and the rest of their team set out in search of three exceptional human mages integral to the defense of all they hold dear.
As their allies begin to assemble on Earth in preparation for the impending conflict, Elios seizes the opportunity to disrupt their preparations and sow chaos.
But the prelude to war brings an unexpected visitor to Earth, catching even the Fates off guard. And he brings with him a devastating secret.
Can Cassius and Morgan overcome this shocking new challenge? Or will the harsh reality of their destiny condemn them and their loved ones to a grim fate?

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6. Crimson Skies

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Jul 15th, 2021, 3:45 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on Jul 27th, 2023, 4:24 pm, edited 12 times in total.