From seasonal periodicals to daily newspapers
May 22nd, 2014, 4:52 pm
Country Life - 21 May 2014
Requirements: PDF Reader, 37.13 MB
Overview: Country Life, the quintessential English magazine, is undoubtedly one of the biggest and instantly recognisable brands in the UK today. It has a unique core mix of contemporary country-related editorial and top end property advertising. Editorially, the magazine comments in-depth on a wide variety of subjects, such as architecture, the arts, gardens and gardening, travel, the countryside, field-sports and wildlife. With renowned columnists and superb photography Country Life delivers the very best of British life every week.
Genre: Magazine


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May 22nd, 2014, 4:52 pm

My bookies. If you found dead links, just PM me to revive. Thank you!
I'm on the way with something for personal life. Please wait...
BTW: Please don't req magazines from over 6 months before