From seasonal periodicals to daily newspapers
Apr 7th, 2014, 6:49 pm
Yachting Monthly - May 2014
Requirements: PDF Reader, 41.67 MB
Overview: Published by IPC Media. Yachting monthly is at the heart of the British yachting market and is for people who actively sail their boats - whether cruising across the channel, around the coast or further a field in blue waters. It provides an entertaining mix of vital information for cruising yachtsmen with all levels of experience, which maximises their enjoyment, increases their skills and gives them the confidence to broaden their horizons.
Genre: Magazine


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Apr 7th, 2014, 6:49 pm

My bookies. If you found dead links, just PM me to revive. Thank you!
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BTW: Please don't req magazines from over 6 months before